The following language applies to any individual who uses an official game credential at a Florida Citrus Sports event. Upon use of the credential, the individual acknowledges the following terms and conditions:
The working credential is issued to an accredited agency (the “Agency”) for the sole purpose of providing stadium access to an individual representative of the Agency (the “Representative”) who has a legitimate working function (media or event service) in connection with the event for which this credential is issued (the “Event”).
This credential is non-transferable and may be revoked at any time without cause. Any unauthorized use of this credential subjects the Representative to ejection from the stadium, to prosecution for criminal trespass and to other legal action, and subjects the Agency to revocation of its credentials for future Florida Citrus Sports (“FCS”) events, as FCS determines in its sole discretion. FCS is understood to include Florida Citrus Sports and its affiliates, agents and employees.
Subject to all restrictions contained in this credential, this credential (if issued for a media function) authorizes the use, solely by the Agency and solely for news and editorial coverage of the Event, of the descriptions, accounts, photographs, films, audio or video recordings, or drawing of or related to the Event (including, without limitation, any interviews, press conferences or other stadium activities relating to the Event) taken, made, created, or complied by the Representative (collectively, “Agency Materials”). For the avoidance of doubt, Agency Materials may not be exploited by the Agency for any purpose other than news and editorial use. Any other use or attempted use by the Representative or the Agency of Agency Materials, including any distribution of Agency Materials to third parties other than ultimate consumers (e.g., newspaper readers) at any time for any purpose, is expressly prohibited, unless the Agency has obtained the advance written permission of FCS for such other use.
As between the Agency or the Representative and FCS, FCS is the exclusive owner of all copyrights, trademarks and other proprietary rights in its names, logos and uniformed designs, and in the Event and all materials (in any and all media) related thereto, except for Agency Materials created pursuant to this credential (to the extent they do not incorporate materials owned by FCS). The Agency and Representative agree that any Agency Materials taking the form of film, video, or digital video recordings (“Video Materials”) may only be used in connection with editorial content published or broadcast by the Agency following the Event, and further agree that the use of Video Materials from the Event in such newscasts shall not exceed three (3) minutes of length.
Representative shall not transmit or display any video, audio, pictures, photographs or other non-text based accounts or descriptions of the Event in any media in real time while the Event or the live network presentation of the Event is in progress, except with the advance written permission of FCS.
The Agency and the Representative assume all risk incident to, and hereby release Florida Citrus Sports Association, Inc., Florida Citrus Sports Events, Inc., Tangerine Sports Association, Inc., Florida Citrus Sports Foundation, Inc., the City of Orlando, Orange County Civic Facilities Authority, the NCAA, the participating teams and their players and each of their respective affiliates and the respective officers, directors, employees, players and volunteers of each of the foregoing (collectively, “Released Parties”) from any and all liability related to or arising from attending the Event and the creation and/or use of Agency Materials by the Representative and/or the Agency. The Agency agrees to indemnify, insure and hold harmless the Released Parties from and against all liability, loss, damage, illness or expense arising out of the issuance of this credential, the Representative’s presence in the stadium, or any other activity of the Agency or Representative in connection with the Event (including, without limitation, any claims that Agency Materials infringe the intellectual property rights, publicity rights or other rights of any third party).
Representative shall not enter the stadium on match day if he or she has tested positive for or been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 within the prior 14 days; or if he or she has experienced the following symptoms of COVID-19 within the prior 48 hours: fever of 100.4⁰F or higher, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills or repeated shaking, muscle pain or achiness, headache, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, nasal congestion, runny nose, vomiting, diarrhea, and/or fatigue.
Agency and Representative acknowledge that an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. By entering the stadium and stadium grounds, Representative voluntarily assumes all risks related to exposure to COVID-19, an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, senior citizens and those with underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable. All guests should evaluate their individual health and corresponding risk in determining whether to attend the Event.
Representative will follow stadium policies, including event health and safety policies and posted instructions on stadium grounds. Agency and Representative affirm that refusal to follow venue, event or credential policies may result in removal from the venue.
Acceptance of this credential constitutes agreement by the Agency and the Representative to abide by the forgoing conditions.