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Aug 22, 2014
The news came on the TV in the Orlando hotel suite. After winning two national titles in five years, Urban Meyer was resigning as Florida’s football coach. Everybody was stunned that stress had driven a 45-year-old man to the hospital and then into early (if temporary) retirement. Then an 84-year-old man provided some perspective. “He talked about the coaching profession and how it grinds on you,” Kevin Rinker said. “Just to sit there and hear him talk. That’s the kind […]
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Aug 21, 2014
Michael Cantrell, Account Executive at Coca-Cola Refreshments, received the Chairman of the Year Award presented at Florida Citrus Sports’ 2014 Member Celebration. Before Cantrell became a member in 1998, Coca-Cola had worked with Florida Citrus Sports (FCSports) for over 50 years. Upon joining, Cantrell sought to become more active and establish a more personal relationship with the organization. In 2002, Cantrell developed an extreme passion for the organization and began to focus on how FCSports helped the Orlando community and […]
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Aug 21, 2014
Joe Doher, Broker-Owner of Prudential Results Realty, received the Rookie of the Year Award presented at Florida Citrus Sports’ 2014 Member Celebration. Doher had high expectations for Florida Citrus Sports (FCSports) before he joined the organization in 2013. After he was introduced to the organization by a co-worker who was a member back in the 80s, he quickly became intrigued when he heard all that FCSports does in the Orlando community. When his first-year membership was coming to an end, […]
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Aug 21, 2014
The Florida Citrus Sports (FCSports) award for Volunteer of the Year highlights one member each year that has done tremendous service for the organization’s events. FCSports awarded Yacabucci for his dedication, commitment and heart for the organization. “It’s an honor to get recognized for something I truly love doing,” said Yacabucci. Yacabucci, who joined FCSports in 2010, also volunteers for two other central Florida organizations. It was through one of these organizations, the Central Florida Gator Club, where Yacabucci met […]
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Aug 14, 2014
Join Florida Citrus Sports members (including representatives from the executive committee and board of directors) and guests at Quantum Leap Winery in Winter Park on Wednesday, September 17. Representatives from the organization’s executive committee and board of directors will be in attendance. Select attendees will be recognized and have the chance to highlight their business or personal promotion. CEO Steve Hogan will also be on hand to provide the latest updates on stadium reconstruction. The price to attend is $20 […]
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